Monday, August 4, 2008


buildings is the place that we use for our activity.. without buildihs human cannot do their activity properly.. for example when we wanted to sleep we need a house to help us stay safe from rain.. as a student architecture i need a studio to do all my project and my model...


in holism its hard to define because it is about our thinking... our holistik thinking.. its like a system as a whole determines in

BaSiCs pRoduCtioN moDeL iN hoLisM oF ArchiTecTure

intention is the begining of everything.. from intention there will be action.. the result from every action will produce a product..

in every intention that we make,, there must be an actor to play it.. action that we take there must have a rule so that we will in the right position.. as a muslim we have a Al-Quran and As-Sunnah to follow by.. about the product that we produce it must have site.